The problem is that we are looking for something and we aren't quite sure what it looks or feels like. The Jewish community at the time of Christ's birth missed out because they had come to expect the Messiah to be revealed in great glory and splendor and not in a manger and in less-than royal circumstances. In fact they still are looking for their messiah!
We all equate God with glamour, glitter and glory and sometimes miss Him in the little things. We have to remember that He chose to show himself to some of the most dirtiest and lowliest of professions and in a way none of us would ever imagined!
I believe that His arrival was to show us that His ways are not like ours. Everything man thinks is true and right are actually the opposite. The things we care about this time of year are not what He cares about at all. Now don't get me wrong...I believe the gifts and ambience of the season are WONDERFUL things! But what we yearn for are actually things we cannot buy or create. HE created the only thing that truly will make us have that Christmas spirit..it is the love of our Father in having Jesus come to this world as a baby to save a suffering and sinful humanity. What we are looking for lives within us as Christians and that is all we need.
Hope is what we look for and when we see that baby in a manger we see our future which is laced with forgiveness, freedom and the love that every human life longs for. When we look at the star on our tree we are reminded of our God who in the heavens looks down and smiles at us. The twinkling lights remind me of all the angels who are dispatched in the supernatural to protect me. The gifts are a result of the blessings God has given me with family and friends. The ornaments are every good thing he longs to give me. Everything about Christmas leads me to Him if I choose to see it.
Don't feel the Christmas Spirit? Well look outside yourself...Christ is in everything and we can choose to feel it or not. Don't miss this special season because it doesn't look or feel right....HE lives in me and you and for that WE will celebrate!
Adjust that Crown,