Ever have a Facebook friend that you really didn't want to accept as a friend? But after months of them continuing to ask to be your friend you just got weary of hitting the "not at this time" button so you added them? (well maybe that has just happened to me!) I guess persistence truly does pay off. ha. Then before you knew it they were all over your photo albums "liking" everything and making comments and asking questions. Ugh. What a pain. I don't have time to explain all that stuff...this is old news. Then out of the blue they post a horrid picture of you from 20 years ago and you scramble to "hide" it from your newsfeed. What will people think? That picture is not the "me" now! This new "friend" of yours "pokes" you everyday and constantly sends you requests for every game ever made, and always messaging and of course commenting on every status you place. Wow...how aggravating! They are like stalking you!
Sometimes I wonder if Jesus is like that friend. He is there wanting to interact with us in everything we do and we are so good at "ignoring" Him. Yet he is persistent longing to talk and wanting relationship with the one that He made and loves. He is constantly sending us messages that He cares for us and He is with us with every move we make. He is the still small voice that helps us and warns us when we are near danger. He is in everything we see in creation and enjoy and is present in every situation good or bad. He longs to be a part of our everyday thoughts and is interested in every place we go and do. he wants to be included and sometimes we are just too busy to take the time to add Jesus to our lives.
Adjust that Crown,