Sunday, May 5, 2013


The study of laughter and humor and the effects on the body is called Gelotology. (that kind of makes me laugh) Who knew that one belly laugh burns about 3.5 calories! Well if my math is correct I would need to have about 200 good belly laughs to have a really great workout!! Maybe if I work on my laughter more I can finally ditch that gym commitment....hmmmmmmm.

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth up the bones."

I don't know about you but dry bones doesn't sound like a good thing! And if a healthy person laughs 100 to 400 times a day then I need to get busy! I need to stop taking things so seriously!!!

Have you ever had that exhausted feeling after a good laugh? You know, the one where your side hurts, your eyes water, you can't catch your breath, your find yourself snorting and your body's totally spent? Well according to some studies a good giggle can do some pretty wonderful things!
Unfortunately -- watching funny movies all day long won't lead to perfect health (in fact, being a couch potato will do more harm than good especially while holding a bag of cheetos), but remembering that laughter has powerful benefits should get you to smiling.  :))
Laughter decreases stress, help us cope with tough situations, it can improve your blood pressure, helps manage pain, amps your social skills, reduces aggression and boosts your immune system! So the Bible definitely knew what it was talking about when it said it was like a medicine! Now of course it doesn't cure all ailments in life BUT it definitely helps a healthy lifetstyle be better. B cells (used to fight infections) and T cells (attacks viruses and manages immune responses) respond positively to laughter! These are just one of the MANY different responses the body has in response to a good LOL!
Now I know that there are inappropriate times to laugh and no one really wants to be laughed at BUT we have got to stop taking our lives so seriously and start seeing things in a lighter way. You have got to find someone that you can be silly and crazy with and just laugh. We all need to learn to laugh at ourselves as well. We can all do some pretty incredibly funny things and lets not have so much pride that we can't just admit that we tripped and fell. It IS funny! Share it and help someone else's immune system! I think I am responsible for some pretty healthy people out there....ha

Adjust that crown!

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