Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Semi Colon Life

Now I will not even pretend to know a whole lot about grammar...because I don't! I am unsure how I slid by unnoticed in English I and 2 in college but somehow I charmed my teacher and managed to make the required grades. And as you can tell I love to fill my blogs with lots of periods and exclamations marks...which I use because I feel like they represent gaps in between thoughts. It just makes sense to me!

But there has always been something so cool about the semi-colon. I use it in the middle of long sentences and thoughts when I feel like I need to take a breath. The semi-colon is a combination of a stop and a continuing on... a period and a comma joined together. Kinda conflicting but yet very interesting.

Living a semi-colon life is all about pausing and re-evaluating where you are at; readjusting and then moving on. I think we all need that in our life! 

Just when you think that things are coming to an end or that you think that you can't go any further....God is there to say, "hey I got this!" and there you go again! Jeremiah 29:11

You Are Graciously Adorned


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