Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Prayer of Presidential Proportions

A Prayer of Presidential Proportions:

I ask you, even now, to prepare the heart of the man who will lead this nation over these next four years. I pray that we, as YOUR people, will come together to pray for him and to bless him–whether we voted for him or not. God I pray that He will call out to you. Anoint and equip him to be a UNITER and not a divider. Show him where and how to build bridges and where he must stand on conviction. Help him to be a man of integrity and a man after your own heart. Teach him your ways and lead him in your truth. Protect him–body, soul, and spirit–and draw his heart closer to your own. Be his counselor, be his comforter, and be his strength.
Lord I ask for an unprecedented outpouring of your Spirit in the days ahead. I ask for a release of great healing throughout the nation … and in your church. Some are rejoicing today, and some are weeping–but may we extend great grace to one another even as our hearts respond differently. God forgive us for our small-minded and dogmatic ways. Forgive us for being so lost in our own opinions at times that we fail to see the very valid issues raised by those who think differently than us. Forgive us for turning on each other when we disagree and not showing LOVE. Forgive us for our pettiness and for so often majoring in the minors–help us to make the main thing, the main thing. And Jesus, you forever have been, and forever will be, the only MAIN thing.
Lord, we desire righteousous leaders and a President who will follow you with his whole heart–but even as we express that desire, we acknowledge that our future is not in the hands of a man. Our future is in YOUR hands. You are the Desire of Nations. You are the desire–and hope– of THIS nation. You are Lord of lords and King of kings. Your kingdom WILL come, your will WILL be done, on earth as it is in heaven. And the increase of YOUR government will know no end.
Regardless of who is President–Jesus, you are our King and the only One who will reign forever. For that, we are eternally grateful. Again Lord, thank you for continuing to bless America … may we ever live to bless you.
In your name, Jesus

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