A good friend of mine posted a status on Facebook recently about a question regarding beauty. She asked for her friends to respond in 3 words or less 'what beautiful means to them'. There were various answers to her question and noteably no one put that they thought they were beautiful. Of course none of us would blatantly go around and say that we are "stunning" or "gorgeous' but deep down we all really strive and want to be beautiful!
I have seen models before and I was left in total jealousy of their "perfectness" but I don't want to have anything to do with the hard work they are involved in! All the days at the gym, eating less than a bird, keeping their skin tanned, waxed and with no breakouts along with keeping perfect hair at ALL times. OH my...that is just craziness! Can you imagine having to do that everyday to please people and conform to what is the current definition of beauty and acceptance? People love to be loved and admired and most will go to great lengths and costs to attain it.
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news..."Romans 10:15
God loves us and when he looks at us he sees our HEART...not our new accessories or new hair do! Thankfully God also has the ability to see what we can become and not so much where we are at in the present. We are God's children (John 1:12) and just like any parent He is proud of his kids and wants us on display. We have a hope and a future in Christ and He only has plans for us that is good. (Jer 29:11.) Romans 10:5 says that God states our FEET are beatuiful! Wow...I haven't had a pedicure in ages...he might want to reconsider! ha. The thing that most feel are the dirtiest part of the body is what God calls beautiful...I think that is AMAZING! We are
all fashioned in His image and I believe there is not one person on this planet that is ugly. We just compare what society says is to be the criteria for beauty and we tend to forget that God's ways are not the world's ways....NO creation of my God's is sub-standard!

"...for the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart" 1 Samuel 16:7
We have been given worth....we cost something. Jesus gave his life and died a horrendous death just for us. Our beauty flows out of our value and we are likened to a very rare jewel.....priceless. When we let go of our past, as well as our sin, we can begin to see ourselves as God sees us -– beautiful. We are not inadequate and we are definitely not lacking in any thing. We are not limited in any way, shape or form. We are made whole in Christ and nothing can strip us of God’s unfailing love. We are God’s masterpieces! We are wanted...and sometimes it seems hard to believe God chose us!
So if you haven't been told lately.....God wants me to tell you that....YOU are BEAUTIFUL!
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