If you allow the words of the enemy or negative people to penetrate your soul then you may lose your joy. There will be times when you want to open your mouth and let loose a whole stream of words that express your anger or your frustration or even your impressions about someone or something. Don't do it! Do not allow your condition to control your words!
Determine that your words are going to be faith-filled from the Word of God. Declare what you have heard from the Lord for your life. Declare what you believe, and it will build your faith. Begin to speak your life as a success, finding purpose and direction under the shadow of God's protective hand. Remember though that the power is not in the words but actually in the SOURCE. God wants his people to open their mouth and speak HIS word!! Here is an example of how you can set the direction and course of your day in a positive way! Read it out loud and you will see that it can and will literally change the atmosphere and your day! God's word is powerful....we just have to use it, live it and most of all....SPEAK it!
Determine that your words are going to be faith-filled from the Word of God. Declare what you have heard from the Lord for your life. Declare what you believe, and it will build your faith. Begin to speak your life as a success, finding purpose and direction under the shadow of God's protective hand. Remember though that the power is not in the words but actually in the SOURCE. God wants his people to open their mouth and speak HIS word!! Here is an example of how you can set the direction and course of your day in a positive way! Read it out loud and you will see that it can and will literally change the atmosphere and your day! God's word is powerful....we just have to use it, live it and most of all....SPEAK it!
Your Declaration!
I set the course of my life today with my words.
I declare today that I will not be defeated, discouraged,
depressed or disappointed!
I am the head, I have insight, I have wisdom, I have ideas
and I have authority!
Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world.(John 4:4)
The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives
in me!(Romans 8:11)
As I speak words today, they come to pass.
My words go before me, they bring the things to pass that I desire
and they stop all attacks, assaults, oppression and fear!
God is on my side today and therefore I cannot be defeated.
His favor surrounds me today as a shield. (Psalms 5:12)
I expect favor today from Heaven and Earth.
I have the wisdom of God today. I will think the right thoughts,
say the right words and make the right decisions in every situation that I face.
I will not be sick; I will not be sad; I will not be broke and I will not be confused.
My steps are ordered of the Lord. (Psalms 37:23)
My steps are ordered of the Lord. (Psalms 37:23)
I expect to have divine appointments, to run into the right people
and be delivered from the wrong people!
Any adversity, attacks, accidents, or tragedies that were headed
my way are diverted right now in Jesus' name!
I speak to the raging waters in my life, my mind, my body, my emotions,
my home and to my family ...."Peace be still!!"
Now I speak to every mountain of fear, discouragement, stress,
depression, lack or insufficiency and I say,
"Be removed and cast into the sea in Jesus' name!" (Mark 11:23)
I will only think about things today that are true, honest,
pure, just, lovely & are of a good report! (Phil 4:8)
Now I expect today to be the best day of my life...
because I am more than a conqueror in Jesus &
I can do all things through Christ who
gives me strength! (Phil 4:13)
You are Graciously Adorned