So I have to be creative. The longer that I take in letting someone know what I do or what my husband does the better it is. You will not believe the questions that I get. I have been asked the strangest things and of course they will want to know when I think Jesus is coming back or what denomination is the one that is on the right track. Or they ask if I can read their mind or even been asked to read their palm. Yes that has happened! Oh and let's not forget the question of "If God is real then why is the world suffering?" Personally, that is my favorite one. So when I am asked, what I say has to be something that gets them thinking and not jump to judgement or make them think that I am going to take up an impromptu offering!
So if I were to answer in a non-churchy or in a way that anyone would understand this is how it would kind of sound: I work for a global enterprise. We have outlets in nearly every country in the World. We have hospitals, hospices, homeless shelters, we specialize in weddings and marriage services, work with orphanages, we have feeding programs. We deal in education, health and wholeness all sorts of reconciliation and counseling. We work closely with nursery age children, encourage adoption, help people discover their geneaology and support kids and youth to go to camp. We empower people to learn and grow and be the best they can be. We love people and we are a family. We have an amazing leadership team that is very inviting and not at all exclusive. We basically deal with people from birth to death and we major in the area of behavior modification. We are always looking for people to join our team. Are you interested? What else do you want to know?
This is the Church. In a nutshell. So if you are a part of THE Church....this is what you do as well. Just think about that for a minute.
You are Graciously Adorned!