I remember the old show called "Married with Children" and their theme song. The lyrics were, 'Love and marriage, they go together like a horse and carriage, this I tell you my brother, you can't have one without the other'. Now it is true that you need love with marriage; but the real truth is you cannot have love without forgiveness. And I don 't really think you can have forgiveness without having love.
We are all at different levels of love in our lives & as God calls us closer to Him and in a deeper relationship; then He also calls us to sacrifice more of our selves. It's a pruning process and it does hurt at times! Sometimes I feel like a great tall pine tree and then other times I may feel like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. ha. God is faithful to call out things inside of us that we probably didn't know even existed!
Can you have a marriage without love? Sure but it isn't going to be a good one and it surely will not last. That is exactly how a relationship with Christ is without forgivness...you cannot live and be a true disciple if you aren't forgiving because it is a by-produce of love. And if you aren't loving people then you are not one of God's disciples. I know that hurts...but it is truth.
"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
John 13:35
This is where good Christians stumble in todays society. They drive people who are desperate but different than them away, people who are seeking answers but still have issues they shun, refusing to give them the same mercy they required just a few years earlier. Some embrace pride in their walk rather than humility, judgment rather than mercy, and rejection rather than acceptance of a heart that is hurting. They cease to be like the Lord, who loved the down and out.
Quite possibly it could be the fear of what to say or the fear that people full of tattoos and earrings and out in front of the church smoking; will affect their children or cause them to be uncomfortable or feel awkward. Maybe they just can't relate so they find themselves avoiding others who are different. But for us to mature and be what God has called us...lights to the World around us; we have got to see people through the eyes of Jesus.
If we are ever to be all that we are capable of being, we must renew our minds and be like Jesus. We need to forgive those around us in our past as well as our present so that we can "unclog" the flow of love that Jesus wants to move through us unconditionally and without hindrance. Your words, your smile could do more for someone than you ever realize! But you can't have a smile that transforms if you truly do not have love in your heart. You will find yourself ineffective.
My church, Mercy Gate has something that is called a Grace Covenant that helps remind members and leaders how we are to act in our everyday lives. These biblically based guideline helps us to make sure that we act in love in every interaction and conversation. We hold each other accountable to what topics are discussed and if anything is negative then we always correct with a positive. We speak love and that means life and we correct with love and that means life as well.
So don't settle for a life that is mediocre and move towards what is best. That will be one lived in love and forgiveness and trust me...as you live this way....you will find that you will be happiest you have ever been because you will be living the heart and will of your Father.
Adjust your Crown,
When we forgive, it opens us up to God's forgiveness (Matthew 6:15), it puts us in a receiving position when we pray (Mark 11:24, 25), it helps us become spiritually fruitful (John 15:10, 12, 5). When we keep God's commandments and love one another, we prove that we love Jesus (John 14:21), and we abide in Christ's love (John 15:10)! What a magnificent blessing forgiveness really is.
Love is totally dependent on the ability of a person to forgive shortcomings, failures and misunderstandings. You can't truly love anyone--even yourself if there are things you just can't let go. Do we all instantaneously know how to do this? Noooooo.
Love is totally dependent on the ability of a person to forgive shortcomings, failures and misunderstandings. You can't truly love anyone--even yourself if there are things you just can't let go. Do we all instantaneously know how to do this? Noooooo.
Can you have a marriage without love? Sure but it isn't going to be a good one and it surely will not last. That is exactly how a relationship with Christ is without forgivness...you cannot live and be a true disciple if you aren't forgiving because it is a by-produce of love. And if you aren't loving people then you are not one of God's disciples. I know that hurts...but it is truth.
"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
John 13:35
This is where good Christians stumble in todays society. They drive people who are desperate but different than them away, people who are seeking answers but still have issues they shun, refusing to give them the same mercy they required just a few years earlier. Some embrace pride in their walk rather than humility, judgment rather than mercy, and rejection rather than acceptance of a heart that is hurting. They cease to be like the Lord, who loved the down and out.
Quite possibly it could be the fear of what to say or the fear that people full of tattoos and earrings and out in front of the church smoking; will affect their children or cause them to be uncomfortable or feel awkward. Maybe they just can't relate so they find themselves avoiding others who are different. But for us to mature and be what God has called us...lights to the World around us; we have got to see people through the eyes of Jesus.
If we are ever to be all that we are capable of being, we must renew our minds and be like Jesus. We need to forgive those around us in our past as well as our present so that we can "unclog" the flow of love that Jesus wants to move through us unconditionally and without hindrance. Your words, your smile could do more for someone than you ever realize! But you can't have a smile that transforms if you truly do not have love in your heart. You will find yourself ineffective.
My church, Mercy Gate has something that is called a Grace Covenant that helps remind members and leaders how we are to act in our everyday lives. These biblically based guideline helps us to make sure that we act in love in every interaction and conversation. We hold each other accountable to what topics are discussed and if anything is negative then we always correct with a positive. We speak love and that means life and we correct with love and that means life as well.
So don't settle for a life that is mediocre and move towards what is best. That will be one lived in love and forgiveness and trust me...as you live this way....you will find that you will be happiest you have ever been because you will be living the heart and will of your Father.
Adjust your Crown,