Friday, November 29, 2013

The Empty Chair

At many tables this holiday season there may be an empty chair. This symbolic empty chair may represent a relationship that is now broken, a family member that you haven't spoken to in years or possibly a prodigal child who hasn't yet come home. High emotions are felt when you realize that this person will not be there and you may experience sadness, regret and maybe even the feeling of incompleteness.  If you find yourself in this predicament you need to ask yourself if that chair needs to really be empty? Maybe there is something you can do. You can be the key to making a difference in someone's life by doing one small thing....reserving some space at your table.

You see I had a person live with me and my family for a few years and he was like a son to Don and I and suddenly he was gone without explanation and without any communication from him. I let time go by and I did not pursue the reasoning. I was just hoping that "He would come back and we would work it all out" but of course that never happened. This situation has tore at my heart for over 6 months and I decided finally that I was going to do something about it. This Christmas my goal is to have him at my table. I haven't done a thing to reach out to him YET but I have the plans to make it happen. I feel that we let people and situations go WAY too easily and as time goes by it gets easier to push back the emotions and the hurt and you find yourself wanting to forget. It just seems easier that way. God places people in our lives so that we can learn and grow from our experiences. We cannot grow and learn if we are not willing to follow through with the hard things. There is something I can do about this situation and I will not let another month go by without making it right. I don't care if he isn't living right and I am prepared if he reacts in anger and tells me all the things that I did wrong. I will listen and be ready to act in love. Justin will come home and our relationship will be reconciled and God can do the rest. He will be my filled chair this holiday season.

Jesus was critized heavily because he did not hesistate to break bread and share his table with broken people. He did not just include perfect people and he didn't wait until people "got it all together" to invite them....He ASKED people to come to Him just as they were. Jesus used communion as the first step towards reconciliation. He sat and shared a meal with people that He knew were going to turn on him! You see there is nothing more personal that we can do than to invite someone to your table. When you ask someone to come into your home and you share your blessings and you wait on them and is doing just what Jesus did. Sharing from your cup and your plate is one of the most intimate things anyone can do. Especially in this day and age when it is so much easier to ask others to go out and is being hospitable without any of the work! Maybe you need to ask someone that has no family and is alone for the holidays, or you need to invite that family member you have been at odds with, or open your home to the homeless who is cold and has no other place to go. Matthew 25:40 says, "For when you do unto the least of do it unto me".

Everyone of us has a empty chair. We have room for one more. Just like the time of Jesus birth when there was no room in the inn...they looked beyond the ordinary and actually found some extraordinary space. We need to open up our hearts and the doors of our homes and ask others to come in. One meal may not fix the overall problems in this hurting world or the dysfunction in your family;
but one more filled chair can be an answer to someone's prayer. Hope in this world is found when we give forgiveness, kindness, compassion and most of all give to others what God so richly has blessed us with.  

Fill a chair this holiday season and God will fill your life with blessings that you never even thought of asking for.

Merry Christmas!
Jonna Gibson

Saturday, November 23, 2013

*The Law of the Garbage Truck

Have you ever been in such a great mood with a skip in your step and enjoying the chirping birds and the perfect weather and life was just so very grand? encounter someone grumpy and hateful and you try really hard to input your positive mind-set into the situation but the unthinkeable happens? They do not respond favorably???

It train wrecks you and all the sudden indignation rises up and this person just continues to spew rudeness your way and you find yourself mirroring their attitude. You walk away shocked and awed! How could they treat you like this? They were so hurtful and rude and I WAS in a fabulous mood but I told them a few things! Then you continue your day in a fog and even find yourself short with people and repeating the event to others over and over; finding yourself justified in your behavior. The birds chirping is giving you a headache now and the humidity is aggravating and making your hair bushy and my how I feel exhausted.....

Well this has happened to me a time or two...I was minding my own business and BAM...I got ran over by a Garbage Truck! The Law of the Garbage Truck is a book about personal growth and can help you learn how to respond to people who "dump" on you as well as deal with negative situations that are beyond your control. Let me share this story with you from the book:

"One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded and missed the other car by mere inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us! My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy and remained friendly. I was shocked and asked, 'Why in the world did you just do that? That guy almost wrecked your car and sent us to the hospital!' The taxi driver said, 'People are like garbage trucks; they run around full of garbage, full of frustration, anger and disappointments and as their garbage piles up it naturally falls on others. You just have to learn not to take it personally. Just smile, wave and move on. Don't take their garbage as your own and then spread it around to others and make it a part of yourself.' I couldn't believe what I was hearing but as I let it sink into my head that day I realized that this man had something powerful and this is how the Law of the Garbage Truck was written."

You have to recognize hurting people and try to empathize with why they are behaving a certain way and process it quickly so that you do not find yourself REACTING to what you see. Life is truly 90% of how you TAKE things and 10% of what you MAKE it. You can have a great day and a great life and take things wrong and find yourself bound up in hurt and bitterness and spreading it everywhere you go. Choose to let garbage lie and not pick it up and add it to your load. This is a mind set that if practiced daily can become a natural way of life for you.

Sure you may be happy and positive and try your best in situations but the other person doesn't change or mirror's planted a seed in their life and walked away richer because you sowed something into someone. You walked away knowing that you shared love...something that doesn't flow naturally in any of our lives. It is a choice to love and serve others and in time you will reap the greatest rewards. Happy and loving people have the best lives because no matter what they are going through...they are putting their hope in someone and something greater than themselves and they have the ability to see their world in rose colored glasses that only God can prescribe.

Matthew 23:26 "Can't you see that if you clean the inside of the cup, the outside will be clean too?"
What a great reminder that we cannot do all this in our own power but in Christ. He cleanses us from the inside out. Psalms 51:10 states, "Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit in me".  Ask Jesus today to help you to start seeing things the way HE sees them. He wants us to be people who sets others FREE from their trash and filth...but if we keep picking up their stinking stuff and making it our own...well then we become burdened down and unable to do the things that He has called us to do. This I believe has set back the church YEARS behind where we should be!

Become trash-free today and start living "The Law of the Garbage Truck"!

You are Graciously Adorned!

❤ Jonna

-excerpt by "The Law of the Garbage Truck" written by David Pollay

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