As a child I remember a particular area in our garage where my mom and dad would periodically gather all the kids and mark our heights with the date and our names. That moment when a pencil, pen or whatever was available made a mark in the wood trim was so exciting! I couldn't wait to see how much I had grown and then compare it. I remember trying to stand on my tippy toes or tilt my head up so that my mark would be higher...ha...but my mom had her accurate methods and would make sure it was correct! After all of us kids were married my parents sold that house...unfortunately I never thought of taking a picture of our "chart"...........I would give anything to have it now.
Rulers and tape measures are great tools; unless they are used to measure my hips! Measurement defined: "the extent, dimensions, quantity, etc., of something ascertained especially by comparison with a standard." As a child I was compared and measured against my siblings in how I grew and my parents would try to predict how tall each of us might be by what my brother and sisters were at a particular age. I remember when my kids were younger...their pediatrician would graph their height and weight on a "growth chart" and compare them to the national averages. I couldn't believe it when Dr Wong told me that he thought that Corey would be 6'2 and that Trey would be 5'9". I made the unfortunate mistake and told the boys what the doctor had said and Trey wasn't having any of that! Trey would try to stretch and pull on his legs, run around the yard and jump high to try to change his fate with no avail! I even tried to get Trey to eat spinach and green "growth" veggies so that Corey wouldn't grow taller than him...he didn't go for it. Well...the prediction wasn't right. Corey is currently 5'9" and Trey is 5'11". Unless Corey has a massive growth spurt at almost 21....I don't think it is going to happen :)
I am so glad that in the Kingdom that we are not compared to each other but we are measured by what God determined for us. He marks each one of us as one of His kids and predicts and proclaims the best for us. Now what we do with the potential growth that each of us has access to is totally up to us. We have the choice and free will to determine our destiny to go higher in God or just be average. I know that I want to do more than just exist but to be victorious and give 100%. I believe that as we stretch ourselves and learn, overcome obstacles and make time for God in our daily relationship that He keeps a count and celebrates that we are on the designed path for our lives! He wants us healthy, mature and of course above average in everything we do.
Keep Sparkling!