Although I do believe in the immiment rapture of God's people I do not believe that fear and judgement are going to turn the heart of people towards Christ. Our lives should gather followers wherever we go as we testify of his love by the way we live and love each other. Jesus would not have us yelling at the street corners and telling people that they are sinners....he would have us to testify of what Christ has done for us so that people would come running with hunger wanting the freedom that only Jesus can offer. One day we will hear "well done my good and faithful servant" and it will be because we lived life every day (May 22, 23rd etc) the best that we could with what God placed in our hands...not because of a "nut"!
So if you find yourself not raptured on the 21st of May 2011, don't panic. It is not because you are a bad Christian, it is because the date is wrong. Remember also that it will be extremely obvious when Jesus Christ returns, like lightning across the whole sky, there is no chance that anybody will wonder if they missed it.
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father." Matthew 24:36
Just a thought!